How did the band form?
Sam: We have all been in the bands before since we were 16, since school – different kind of bands. We started Howls 3/4 years ago, when we were living in Brighton together.
Ollie: We were 5 piece, then 4 piece, now it is three of us! It works perfectly with just three of us as we all sing in the band.
How did the band name come about?
Will: We have thought of so many band names over the years, so we wrote down five names and had to pick one out!
Is there specific meaning behind the artwork for ‘No Living’:
Will: I was exploring around Brighton and on the seafront there was an exhibition of sand sculptures, and this is where the artwork came about!
Is there a particular link between the artwork and the album itself?
Ollie: The last two albums were kind of rushed.
Sam: We just pictured and thought that the sound of the album fitted with it.
What is your favourite track off ‘No Living’ and why?
Will: ‘Rest Well’ is my favourite of the EP.
Sam: It is hard on the EP to get different sounds across and we managed to do so with the last track..
Any new music we should get ready for?
Sam: ‘No Living’ EP came out last April, and we are planning to release an album before the end of this year – probably towards the winter.
Will: It is definitely different! We have had a lot of time to explore in the different directions.
Sam: We settled more on how we want it to sound like, whereas the last ones were kind of rushed. For the coming album, we had a whole year to write and develop it further.
Ollie: Personally, I think the lyrics for ‘No Living’ were written in the van on the way to the studio, whereas now we have more time to think through.
Is Brighton where you record the music?
Will: Yeah, we all live in Brighton, but Ollie just moved to London, around the corner actually in Shoreditch.
Who do you want to collaborate with in the future?
Will: Kanye West!
Ollie: The guy we record with in London, we did the first two pieces with him and we are doing an album with him, and he is just an amazing musician and producer. This is a great place to start off!
Sam: Any of our friends’ bands actually! We will collaborate with Fox (he won’t know it is about him) J
Festivals or gigs?
Sam: We haven’t really played many festivals, but I like going to them!
Ollie: I am festivals all the way.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
Will: Gallows, Alexisonfire, every band ever apart from 5SOS!
What is a writing process like in the band? Is it only one person writing the lyrics?
Ollie: Usually, Will has a skeleton and then we have a whole song written out lyrically.
Ollie: The album coming up looks more coherent, a bit more thought is given into each song as we had more time.
Avoid, marry, kill: (Taylor Swift, Rihanna and Kim K)
All: uuugghhhh, Kim K kill, get her off this planet, avoid Rihanna, and MARRY Taylor Swift! Jeeeeesus.
Will: If you have soul you should listen to Taylor Swift. I don’t just listen to hardcore, I also listen to Taylor Swift and Drake!
Sam: This sums up our band!
5SOS, Justin Bieber and 1D?
Will: I didn’t want to believe, but now I believe…
Ollie: I would go for belieber but it is not a happy choice
Sam: I am ready to believe! [all laugh]
Kanye West, Lil Wayne and Snoop Dog?
Sam: I’ll marry Kanye for the money and get Kim out of the picture.
Will: I would avoid Lil Wayne and would like to hang out with Snoop.
Ollie: I would marry Snoop!
Any albums you can’t stop listening to?
Will: New Deftones!
Something to add in the end:
Will: I think we should all just read something off the wall! “Tenderness is a virtue” [all laugh]
Thank you!